For the hijacking and pollution of a Southern California cannabis industry proprietor, he got a lifelong incarceration.

Where Is Hossein Nayeri Now In 2022? Update From 20/20 Catch If You Can Hossein Nayeri was given a lifelong incarceration for the hijacking and mutilation of a Southern California pot industry proprietor. After a startling hijacking, he was found in the Mojave Desert. He is as of now investing energy in the Orange County prison.

Regardless of being confined in 2013, Hossein was not attempted until July 2019, more than seven years after the occurrence for which he was charged. Quite possibly of California’s most confounding case has been analyzed over the most recent decade on ABC’s “20/20: Catch Me If You Can.”

Nayeri and two additional men burst into a Newport Beach home where the drug store owner was leasing a room.

Hossein’s guard group tested each proof utilized against him all through his preliminary, in any event, venturing to such an extreme as to attest that the police had established the glove with his DNA to dole out liability.

They then forced Cortney by guaranteeing that she had been conceded resistance; for this situation, she was definitely not a dependable observer. Hossein additionally gave declaration in his own guard, denying any contribution in the kidnapping, torment, and mutilation.

Also, the jury didn’t view him to be liable of the charge of disturbed anarchy since they couldn’t settle on who really hurt Michael.

He is a previous weed seller from Newport Beach who was condemned to two back to back terms of life in jail without the chance of parole and an additional seven years for his part for the situation starting in October 2012. Thus, Hossein is presently imprisoned and will remain so until the end of his normal life.

The California Department of Corrections records shows that Hossein hadn’t been moved to a state jail yet when this article was composed.

— OC Sheriff, CA (@OCSheriff) January 30, 2016

Who Were Hossein Nayeri Victims? Their Status Today Michael, 28, the fruitful owner of a restorative maryjane business, dozed out while staring at the TV on the sofa. In any case, little did he understand that three men, each conveying a shotgun and a pistol, were sneaking close by, wearing dark dress, wearing ski veils and elastic gloves.

At the point when Mary Barnes, a 53-year-old Florida local who had as of late moved in with her beau and Michael to their Newport Beach house, got back after working all day that day, she likewise didn’t have numerous contemplations. However, she noticed that a window was left open. Her accomplice was abroad on a business related trip.

The triplet attacked the two soon after 12 PM, bound them, and conveyed them to the rear of their employed van, where they tortured Michael for a long time. While on the way to the Mojave Desert, where they erroneously thought he had covered $1 million in real money, they harassed him for data.

The specialists guarantee that when the hijackers realized there was no cash, one cut off Michael’s penis and let him and Mary be to fight for themselves prior to driving off with the eviscerated organ. Luckily, they likewise abandoned a blade, which Mary found and used to cut off the zip integrates holding them.

Mary Barnes eventually figured out how to get to a street nearby, where a delegate sheriff saw her and halted to help. Fortunately, the two casualties endured. The evil wrongdoing, notwithstanding, had proactively been done.

A few stories guarantee that the criminals paralyzed Michael with a stagger gun and afterward consumed him with a blowtorch prior to damaging him. To eliminate any DNA, follows, or actual evidence, they a while later doused him in dye. All of this violence prodded a careful examination concerning the seizing case, which prompted the catch of the plot’s driving force Hossein Nayeri alongside Kyle Handley and Ryan Kevorkian.

Data On Hossein Nayeri Charges And Sentence-Is He Still In Jail? Hossein Nayeri from Newport Beach, who was tracked down blameworthy last year of partaking in the capturing and mutilation of a clinical weed seller, was given a lifelong incarceration without the chance of parole on Friday for his “fiendish” activities.

Regardless of being confined in 2013, Hossein was not attempted until July 2019, north of seven years after the episode for which he was charged. Hossein’s guard group tested each piece of proof utilized against him all through his preliminary, in any event, venturing to such an extreme as to state that the police had established the glove with his DNA to dole out liability.

They tormented the two for data and drove them to the Mojave Desert, where they thought Michael had covered $1 million in real money, possibly escaping when they couldn’t track down it. The police involved a lady as trap with an end goal to catch the wrongdoers. At long last, Hossein Nayeri was distinguished as the guilty party.

— Iran Freedom (@4FreedominIran) November 11, 2021

He bound her hands and lower legs with zip ties, taped her lips, put on a blindfold, and pulled her away. She likewise heard Michael’s cries of battle over the course of that time.

Furthermore, today, over eight years after the fact, Mary actually appears to call California home, where she fills in as a medical care proficient and does her absolute best to ensure she and Michael get the equity they merit.