Angela Samota was assaulted, as per the dissection, and afterward more than once cut before she died from heart wounds.

On October 13, 1984, Samota and her family experienced misfortune when she and two partners, Russell Buchanan and Anita Kadala, visited the State Fair.

The three principal associates in the homicide and assault with Angela were her sweetheart Ben McCall, her companion Russell Buchanan, and one of her exes.

Be that as it may, not a single one of them could be connected to the homicide straightforwardly in light of the fact that no hard proof connecting with them was found.

Where Could Donald Bess Now be? Donald Bess is as yet detained in Polunsky jail, and he has no booked execution date.

Donald Bess has purportedly manhandled various ladies during his lifetime, driving specialists to think that he is a chronic attacker.

Donald was released early serving a 25-year term at the hour of Angela’s homicide. He was at that point in prison in 2008 when he was found associated with Angela’s passing a direct result of a different assault and attack case.

In 2010, when Donald again took the testimony box in the arraignment for the assault and murder of Angela, different ladies, including his ex, denounced him.

Donald Bess was at last viewed as at legitimate fault for the allegations against him by a jury utilizing every one of the assertions and DNA proof and was given capital punishment.

The court denied his ensuing requests, the latest of which was in 2016. Thusly, Donald, 72, is as of now imprisoned at the Texas Hospital Galveston Unit. He is as yet ready to be executed and is still waiting for capital punishment.

Samota was a cheerful and genuine young woman whose closest companions generally recall her for having the biggest grin. With two of her partners, Russell Buchanan and Anita Kadala, Angela went through the night of October 12, 1984, visiting the State Fair and a club.

She had likewise welcomed Ben McCall, who was her beau. In any case, he was unable to go with them since Ben had an early morning shift as a development manager.

Then, at around one AM, Angela dropped her companions off at their homes prior to going by her beau’s home to say goodnight.

Ben asserts that he thumped on Angie’s front entryway however got no response. He, consequently, endeavored to open it himself yet was fruitless on the grounds that it was locked.

Ben, who was concerned, utilized a cell phone, made work plans, and called the police. The police showed up on the scene soon after 2:17 a.m. furthermore, broke the entryway.

Subsequently, they found Angela Samota dead, exposed, and canvassed in blood on her bed. She had been cut and assaulted multiple times altogether, and a post-mortem examination uncovered that she had additionally experienced wounds to her heart the chest wounds that made her passing.

Donald Bess Is The Killer Of Angela Samota For seemingly forever, Ben McCall, Russell Buchanan, and one of Angela’s exes were completely viewed as possible suspects in her homicide.

Be that as it may, neither of them was at any point charged concerning the episode since there was no strong evidence interfacing them to the scene.

Clinical experts cleared Ben and Angela’s ex subsequent to establishing that her aggressor was a “non-secretor” in the wake of leading their assessments.

— The Minds Of Madness (@MadnessPod) July 2, 2020

From that point forward, Russell, a 23-year-old modeler who lived around a 5-minute stroll from Angela’s loft, went through a polygraph assessment and passed.

Accordingly, the case was shut until it was returned in 2006. That year, Linda Crum, a Dallas police investigator, broke down DNA proof from blood, semen, and fingernail proof left at Angie’s homicide scene to search for a match in recently held criminal records.

The name Donald Bess previously surfaced in 2008. He served a 25-year term for exasperated attack and bothered grabbing at the hour of Angela’s severe homicide, yet he was free from jail, but still under watch.

In 2008, Donald Bess had recently been condemned to life in jail for a different assault, brutality, and hijacking episode. The DNA proof matched Donald Bess.