Who Are Alex Miller, Arleen Hairbaedian, and Sonia Acevedo? Arleen Hairbaedian was living alone in Queens, New York, when she initially met Jamison in a nearby park. He appeared to be well disposed, and soon the two struck up an association that turned heartfelt. At first, they were really cheerful, and Jamison even turned into Arleen’s inhabitant when he chose to lease a room at her loft. In any case, it didn’t take long for things to take an awful turn, and soon, the pair found themselves quarreling over minor things. The circumstance deteriorated when Jamison wouldn’t pay either the lease or the service bill and on second thought submitted each protest in succession to Arleen’s property manager.


As indicated by the show, the squabbles even turned physical, and Jamison compromised lawful activity against Arleen or her landowner assuming they attempted to remove him. At last, Arleen and Jamison documented controlling requests against one another, and in a frantic bid to get him off her property, the mortgage holder called the police. Nonetheless, when specialists showed up, the show referenced how Jamison lied with regards to Arleen assaulting him genuinely, and along these lines, she had to leave her own home and move away.

With Arleen out of Jamison’s life, the chronic vagrant started looking for his next casualty and before long ran over Sonia Acevedo in 2012. Sonia likewise lived in Queens, and Jamison moved toward her, proposing to turn into her inhabitant. Sonia was unmindful of his genuine arrangement and was exposed to his provocation and dangers regarding a month subsequent to leasing to Jamison.

Like with Arleen, Jamison would not pay lease and utilized legitimate provisos to save himself from getting ousted. In addition, he even undermined Sonia with legitimate activity, and as per the show, the two regularly occupied with verbal fights. Truth be told, the provocation got so terrible that Sonia even blockaded her room entryway with seats around evening time as she dreaded an unexpected actual assault.

Philadelphia occupant Alex Miller’s contribution in the chronic vagrant case came in 2017 when an attorney named Jed Creek reached her from her Craigslist ad showing interest in turning into her inhabitant. Alex met Jed at a nearby Starbucks, and quickly after investigating her home, the “attorney” appeared to be anxious to sign her a check for $800. Nonetheless, things fundamentally went easy from now on, and Jed would not cover his bills or his lease.

Terrified and stayed with an uncooperative inhabitant, Alex involved her mom, who figured out that Jed was really a pen name the man leasing with Alex was Jamison Bachman. Jamison was very notorious by then, at that point, and the strain among him and Alex before long started ascending to hazardous levels. At last, Alex chose to take out a limiting request against her inhabitant, and with Jamison proceeding to disregard that request, he was captured and charged for his wrongdoing.

Where Are Alex Miller, Arleen Hairbaedian, and Sonia Acevedo Now? In spite of the fact that Jamison was captured for disregarding a limiting request, his brother before long rescued him of jail, according to the show. Alex’s mom became progressively stressed at the turn of events and requested that her girl move out of the Philadelphia home. In spite of the fact that Alex would have rather not move, the show expressed that the property the board wouldn’t reestablish her rent, driving her out. Along these lines, when the police informed Alex, Arleen, and Sonia about Jamison’s capture, they were astonished and stunned as his brother was the one in particular who had upheld him all through.

As of now, Alex actually is by all accounts living in Philadelphia and is encircled by her loved ones. Not entirely set in stone to let the past go and is very confident regarding a really encouraging future. Despite the fact that Sonia is very private with regards to her whereabouts, she referenced that since the time the episode with Jamison, she started focusing on herself before others. She has been developing her FICO rating, recuperating herself, and running after a superior future. Then again, Arleen moved out of her old condo onto a superior life. She referenced that she is in a superior spot now and is very content. Despite the fact that she got another spot to live in, Arleen stays resolute about not getting a flat mate at any point in the future.