Once you’ve gotten your very own Raikou, you’ll want to load him out with the best moves possible to ensure you’re making the most of this legendary Pokemon. There are different moves you can pick up, and the best ones for you will depend mostly on your play style and what role you want this dog to play in your team. 

Raikou has two possible fast moves (Thunder Shock, Volt Switch) and three possible charged moves (Thunder, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge) that he can learn. So which ones are best?

Best Moves for Raikou (Offensive)

If you prefer to play on the offensive, you’ll want to pick up the following moves for your Raikou:

Thunder Shock Wild Charge 

Best Moves for Raikou (Defensive)

If you prefer to play on the offensive, you’ll want to pick up the following moves for your Raikou:

Volt Switch Wild Charge

That’s all you need to know! Now your Raikou should be ready to face any battle you come across. 

If you’re having trouble completing the raid to get this Legendary Dog, our Gym Raiding guide can help you succeed. And if you want more tips, check out the rest of our Pokemon Go guides for everything you need to know!